Friday, January 24, 2020

The best Penny stocks to buy now?

Are these the best penny stocks to buy now?

When most people look for Top penny stocks to buy, they seek to earn money quickly. So, if this is what brought you to the article, keep that in mind. Too often, merchants will fall in love with a certain stock. They forget everything about making money with pennies.

To do that, you need to sell those shares and get your profits. But we cannot ignore the greed factor. If an action goes up 20%, you might think, "if it goes up a little more, I can do X". The fact is that there will always be more penny shares to buy. In addition, you can always buy back penny stocks after the sale if you believe there is still potential.

So, when it comes to identifying the best penny stocks to buy, consider some things. This includes the period of time that anticipates to keep the stock. You will also want to plan for possible exit points to obtain gains and possible stop loss levels to reach the breakeven point or minimize losses. When it comes to "the best", it is a very subjective scenario and everything is based on your personal strategy.

Penny's best actions to buy Genius brands

First, on this list of penny stocks, Genius Brands has gained some momentum today. There has been no news from the firm. Nor have new presentations been published. The company creates entertainment content for children and thanks to the delivery of some of its series to Netflix, the company experienced a good momentum in the third quarter.

The company's last update was its third quarter earnings report. In it, the company showed a 563% increase in revenue for the quarter.

You can also get more information about markets and investments by clicking to get our free tips below. Offer useful ideas and advice. Click here Top penny stocks.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Fashion in Nigeria

4 best CUBAN CIGARS in 2020

The thick Cuban cigars have increased in popularity over the years, and shows no signs of stopping. It is hard to imagine that about a decade or two ago, having ring gauges of more than 52 were only manufactured by the few selected cigar manufacturers. Now, thick cigars are being manufactured and distributed throughout the world, and countries like Cuba have become fashionable.

Perhaps it is due to its striking form, or goes by the aesthetics of Churchill: it is undeniable that these thick cigars dominate the market. Keep in mind that having thicker ring meters means that the distribution of tobacco will change.


One of the favorites of many cigar enthusiasts, the Trinidad Vigia is an excellent choice for a thick tobacco bar. He was awarded one of the 25 most important cigars in the world by Cigar Amateur! Characterized by its caliber of 54 rings, you can find delicious notes of wood, eucalyptus, honey and leather, providing an impeccable and sophisticated smoking experience!


Limited and highly sought after: the Cohiba Behike is the perfect representation of the impeccable craftsmanship of Cuban cigars. This cigar is not only thick, but it impresses the smoker for the additional level of complexity. Cohiba Behikes are made with an extra rare tobacco leaf, which only appears on some plants! Thanks to that addition, fans can enjoy a beautiful palette of spices and cream, as well as cedar, hay and earth.


One of the latest editions of the Le Hoyo series, the Hoyo de Monterrey cigar Le Hoyo de Río Seco offers a delicate aroma, with soft and beautiful flavors encapsulated within its thick 56-ring caliber body. Handmade with long stuffed tobacco in the famous region of  Volta  Abajo de Cuba, it is a premium quality cigar that we recommend you try!


This cigar is perhaps the largest that H. Upmann has launched. With a measurement of 150 mm and with a ring caliber of 56, this cigar is undoubtedly a thick cigar to hold. H. Upmann Magnum 56 is special, as it has been aged for approximately 4 years, creating a darker envelope. You will find that this cigar has a light to medium profile, composed of rich notes of cocoa, spices and hay.

Are you looking for more high quality cigars? Visit our website click here. Cuban Cigars.

Friday, January 3, 2020

What is job posting?

A Job posting is the official announcement of an open position for which the company is actively seeking a new employee.

Job offers can be made internally using company bulletin boards or ad forums. This allows current employees to move within the company and bid for the position before it is opened to the general public. Internal job offers are what the term traditionally indicates.

Publicly advertised job advertisements can be found on websites, online job boards or availability lists of personnel agencies. Publications are traditionally written by the human resources department and include details on qualifications, hours and payment. They can also describe the work environment or where the new employee would fit into the current structure of the company.

Definition of job posting
A job Posting is an advertisement for a vacancy.

The main objective of a job advertisement is to inform potential candidates for a new position and attract them to submit an application.

It is written in an attractive tone and contains information not only about the job, but also about your company and the benefits it offers.

Importance of labor advertising
A well-designed Job posting will aim and attract your perfect candidates and reject all other candidates.

As a result, it will save time and money!